About a week ago, I completed a commission that was right up my alley. The request was for a drawing that would be a gift for someone who loved pumpkins and pumpkin patches. Well, I couldn’t pass that up!
Pencil sketch.
The best part about this project was I got to work on it in January, a time I usually find myself scouting around for new magic after the excitement of the holidays have died down.
Ink added.
What a treat to revisit fall in the bleak winter months!
Working from the sketch.
There’s nothing like bringing extra warmth and color into a cold winter day.
Building the palette.
The drawing is now in its new home with one of our local Parks and Recreation employees. We have some great parks out here, a few of which I frequent whenever I need new art ideas, so it’s quite something to know that my art has made its way full circle. Hopefully it’s bringing as much happiness as my times at our lake and forest trails.
Filling it all in.
“Pumpkin Patch”
Colored pencil on Strathmore toned tan paper.